Be the first to review “Power : 0.21KW”;The Hurricane HSP36/210 solar borehole pump comes complete with 210W 36V submersible motor and pump automatic 36V control box with water level sensors and 1 x 270W solar panels and is capable of delivering up to 200L/hour at a depth of 68m.;file:///Users/mieliecockrell/Downloads/wetransfer_zip_2024-05-23_0030/%E4%BA%95%E7%94%A8%E6%B3%B5/z%CC%8CZ%CC%8CK%CC%A7A%CC%83a%CC%A8A%CC%83/4SP.png;Home / Solar Pumps / Solar Borehole Pumps Complete / HSP36/210 Solar Borehole Pump Complete” Cancel reply

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